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Nanomanufacturing of Carbon Nanotube-Based Devices
How Carbon Nanotubes Will Change the World
"Chopra Academia" - Carbon nanotube based Devices
Carbon Nanotube-Based High-Performance Flexible Electronics & Integrated Smart Sensor Systems-YF Hu
Qing Cao: Carbon Nanotube Transistor Technology for Extremely-Scaled Logic Devices
Exploring the promising applications of carbon nanotube-based biosensors
Multiscale Materials Modelling of Nanotube-based Devices
Carbon Nanotubes | CNTs | Properties and Applications of CNTs
Solution-Processable Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Systems and Devices
Stanford Seminar - From Nanodevices to Nanosystems: The Carbon Nanotube Case Study
Researchers build carbon nanotube transistors that outperform those made with silicon
Unveiling the Marvels of Carbon Nanotubes: From Nanoscience to Nanotechnology